I thought that I needed a place in which to keep in touch with all my peeps so that they don't have to keep sending out search parties for me!
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Snowday Schmowday
Let me tell you that my back is paying the price today. Shovelling heavy heart attack snow is not my favourite pastime to say the least. Ideally, I would have spent the evening all cozied up in my warm home, but unfortunately piano lessons were not cancelled. I cannot understand why they weren't, but c'est la vie.
To get to piano, a neighbour had to help shovel me out, as I got stuck backing out. Then, at piano, I got stuck again when I parked at the side of the road. Thankfully, they had a shovel for me to borrow. Nothing like shovelling a city street! When I arrived home, I got stuck again in the parking lot. When I got out of my car to go grab my shovel, a neighbour very snarkily said, "You aren't planning on leaving your car there, are you?". Shut up, lady. Just shut up. When she realised that I was stuck (after I had been shovelling for a while and then tried unsuccessfully to move my car), she did start helping. I didn't appreciate her rudeness, but she redeemed herself by being helpful.
I managed to get into my spot after about 20 minutes. I'm thankful that it was at least mild. And that it didn't take 30 minutes! Our hired snow removal contractor has been horrible all winter and yesterday was no exception. Not hiring them again next year!!!!
Today, the roads are still not the greatest, though not as bad as yesterday. Still my boys, who thought today would be a snow day, have protested going to school. I am letting them have the morning off. Hopefully by then the roads will be a bit better.
Time to try to fix this back of mine. Today's project is to start cleaning out my china cabinet [shudder]. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
What did that groundhog say again?
Regardless of the weather, this morning I decided was a good day for a bit of spring shopping, so I hit my local Dollarama and IKEA to see what I could find. Confession, I really only went to Dollarama to pick up some odds and ends like parchment paper and those foil burner cover thingys. I ended up getting some uber cool sharmrock springy headbands and an Easter tin to boot. And....
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Meet My Fancy New Laptop / It's Cocktail Time!
This week has been good so far. I decided that I wanted to drink a fancy cocktail for Oscar night. No beer or wine for this little lady. I mentioned my plan to my mom while we were out having lunch and said that I would love to try a Cosmopolitan or something similar. Sure enough when we arrived back at her house, she poured me one. Going to my parent's house is like going to Southfork in the 70's & 80's; I'm just waiting for JR Ewing to come in and pour himself a drink. They have a crazy full bar. I have nothing....one day I will tell my story of my shenanigans of wanting to make a Long Island Ice Tea in the summer, until I realised that it would cost me $100 in alcohol to get all of the ingredients! Not so at my mom's house. She. Has. Everything....and then some.
Instead of mixing a drink, she had a bottle of pre-mixed Cosmos made by Smirnoff.
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Week of Boredom
I'm getting old, Dammit! It seems that 2013 keeps reminding me of that! Two weeks ago, one of my daughters caught Hand,Foot and Mouth disease - A pesky childhood illness. Luckily, she only had a mild case, but a few days after noticing her blisters, I came down with that all-over bodyache that sometimes precedes an illness. Only this time it lasted FIVE DAYS!!!!!!!! What the heck!? It also took me no time at all to become completely exhausted.
By last Wednesday, Boy 2 had HF&M. Currently, Boy 1 has it too. ANYWAY, three days ago I slept wrong and have not been able to move very well since then. My back muscles are so sore that any movement causes me great pain. I am not the type of person who can just sit around. I am always thinking about what I have to do next, so this is seriously driving me crazy. Seriously. This is why I take five minute showers; I always feel like there is something else I should be doing. Let's not mention my house! My house is so messy right now! I need to find a way of making this heating pad portable.
Enough complaining.
I am going out to look at laptops either later this afternoon or tomorrow morning. My computer expert person is only available today! So I should go today despite the pain. Right now I am posting this from our tablet. My desktop is broken (it only needs a new power supply, we think). I am pretty excited about the prospect of having my very first laptop! My teen girls have them but they don't really like to share theirs...plus my eldest's power cord is broken. This will be my very own! Hell, I haven't had a new computer since 1999 or 2000. My other was a hand me down.
This is very exciting for me!
Signing off for now. Almost time to start picking up the kiddos at school and I need a coffee in order to wake myself up a bit!