Thursday, 28 February 2013

Snowday Schmowday

That springlike weather that Ottawa has been enjoying disappeared quite suddenly, when we were hit yesterday with a snow storm.

Let me tell you that my back is paying the price today.  Shovelling heavy heart attack snow is not my favourite pastime to say the least.  Ideally, I would have spent the evening all cozied up in my warm home, but unfortunately piano lessons were not cancelled.  I cannot understand why they weren't, but c'est la vie.

To get to piano, a neighbour had to help shovel me out, as I got stuck backing out.  Then, at piano, I got stuck again when I parked at the side of the road.  Thankfully, they had a shovel for me to borrow.  Nothing like shovelling a city street!  When I arrived home, I got stuck again in the parking lot.  When I got out of my car to go grab my shovel, a neighbour very snarkily said, "You aren't planning on leaving your car there, are you?".  Shut up, lady.  Just shut up.  When she realised that I was stuck (after I had been shovelling for a while and then tried unsuccessfully to move my car), she did start helping.  I didn't appreciate her rudeness, but she redeemed herself by being helpful.

I managed to get into my spot after about 20 minutes.  I'm thankful that it was at least mild.  And that it didn't take 30 minutes! Our hired snow removal contractor has been horrible all winter and yesterday was no exception.  Not hiring them again next year!!!!

Today, the roads are still not the greatest, though not as bad as yesterday.  Still my boys, who thought today would be a snow day, have protested going to school.  I am letting them have the morning off.  Hopefully by then the roads will be a bit better.

Time to try to fix this back of mine.  Today's project is to start cleaning out my china cabinet [shudder].  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.

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