Thursday, 23 January 2014

The Search for the Perfect Red

Tuesday was behaving like a typical Monday.  One of those blah days, in which getting out of bed seems like the biggest of life's struggles.  Add to that some January Blues (it's so ridiculously cold out there!) and lazy me just want to cuddle up on my couch.  There I was checking my email and from one of the umpteenth companies that send me email I never read, I actually decided to click on a link about red lipstick and how EVEN I could wear it.

Fast forward several wasted hours, and I had researched red lipsticks and skin types and I had it narrowed down to two classics, Ruby Woo and Russian Red, both by MAC.  I had also hatched a plan! My eldest DD had been itching to go out and purchase some new headphones, so I had an excuse to leave the house. I would just "check" the colour to see which one I like best, as online research can only go so far.

I'm sure that you all know how this story ended and it didn't involve simply checking anything out.  I must have looked quite the site.  I must have looked quite the site in my big warm coat and purple headband trying on red lipsticks.  Next time I have to remember to dress the part of sophisticated make-up connoisseur instead of frazzled mismatched housewife.

As per usual, the make-up lady recommended the colour for the darker skin colouring.  They always do.  Must be my hair and eye colour.  They always put too-dark foundation on my face that make me look somewhat orange.  Drives me nuts.  In the winter I have pale, fair skin.  Just because I'm a brunette....oh whatever.  I tried on the Russian Red.  It was pretty.  Then I tried on the Ruby Woo.  DD and the make-up lady immediately said that that was the ONE.  It is so pretty.  I felt glamourous in my sweats and purple headband.  My confidence was even pumped up more when MAC lady told me that I have the perfect lips to wear red lipstick.

Not sure what the peeps at Best Buy thought of my bright lip colour...Need to get used to it.  I kind of kept my eyes down, but I wore it again yesterday and plan to again today! Housework is much more fun when you look good. Hubby is getting suspicious about me dolling myself up all of the time. It honestly just make me feel more confident and happier overall.  And there's nothing wrong with that!

Tried to take a selfie of me wearing my fancy Ruby Woo, but my kitten, Fergus, had other ideas.

At least you can see the pretty colour.....

.....or not!

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